Brazilian Challenges for Sustainability
The recent modifications of Brazilian environmental legislation and its impact on the country's productive activities, added to the United Nations Rio Mais 20 Conference, in 2012, in Rio de Janeiro, will be the object of study of this discipline, which aims to provide the conditions for the exercise of criticism and participation to students. The prospect of its offering is the expansion of relational and interdisciplinary skills inherent to essential environmental issues.
Basic Information
60 hours
- ALMEIDA, Fernando. The challenges of sustainability: an urgent rupture. 2nd. Ed. Rio de Janeiro, Elsevier, 2007;
- BARBIERI, José Carlos. Corporate Environmental Management. 2nd edition. Ed. Saraiva, 2007; School of Applied Mathematics – EMAp Getúlio Vargas Foundation - FGV20/27
- FIORILLO, Celso Antonio Pacheco. Brazilian environmental law course. 12th edition, São Paulo: Saraiva 2011.
- ASHLEY, Patrícia Almeida. Ethics and social responsibility in business. 2nd Ed. São Paulo: Saraiva 2005;
- BARROS-PLATIAU, Ana Flávia; VARELLA, Marcelo Dias. The effectiveness of international environmental law. Brasília: Ed. Uniceub, Unitar and UNB, 2009.
- CAMARGO (A.); CAPOBIANCO (J.P.R.); OLIVEIRA, (J.A.P.). Environment Brazil, progresses and obstacles after Rio-92. 2nd. Ed. Rio de Janeiro: Fundação Getúlio Vargas, 2004.
- DIAMOND, Jared M. Collapse. 3rd. Ed. Rio de Janeiro: Record, 2006.
- FERRY, Luc. The New Ecological Order. Rio de Janeiro: Difel, 2010.