Libras or BSL - Brazilian Sign Language (Optional)
(Optional Subject) Clinical, educational and socio-anthropological aspects of deafness. Sign language and its importance: culture and history. The Brazilian Sign Language - Libras: basic notions of phonology, morphology and syntax. Studies of the Libras lexicon. Sign language acquisition process observing differences and similarities between it and the Portuguese language. Practice.
Basic Information
30 hours
- Capovilla, F.C .; Raphael, W.D. Signs of LIBRAS and the Universe of Education. In: F.C. Capovilla (Org.). Encyclopedia of Brazilian Sign Language: The World of the Deaf in LIBRAS. (Vol. 1, 19 volumes, 340 pp.). São Paulo: Edusp, Vitae, Brasil Telecom, Feneis.
- Castro, A .; Carvalho, I. Communication by Brazilian Sign Language. Brasília: SENAC.
- Karnopp, L. Brazilian Sign Language: Linguistic Studies. São Paulo: Artmed.
- Barboza, H.H .; Mello, A.C.P.T. The deaf, This Unknown. Rio de Janeiro: Folha Carioca.
- Diderot, D. Letter on the Deaf for the Use of those who Hear and Speak. São Paulo: Editora Nova Alexandria.
- Fernandes, E. Language and the Deaf. Porto Alegre: Medical Arts.
- Vygotsky, L.S. Thought and Language. São Paulo: Martins Fontes.
- Castro, A; Carvalho, I. Communication using the Brazilian Sign Language. Brasília: SENAC.