Bernardo Freitas Paulo da Costa

Ingénieur Polytechnicien (bachelor degree) from École polytechnique - Paris (2006) and Master "Analyse, arithmétique et géométrie" from Ecole Polytechnique - Paris (2008) (joint master program with Université Paris-Sud XI and École Normale Supérieure). Double diploma in Applied Mathematics from Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (2010). Obtained his PhD in July 2012 from Paris-Sud, under supervision of Julien Duval, on mean dimension and Brody curves, where he was also teaching assistant. In 2012-2013, was Visiting Assistant Professor at Purdue University, and spent a short period at Universidade Federal Fluminense, before becoming a professor at Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Spent a sabbatical semester visiting ISyE, Georgia Tech (2019), and is currently a visiting researcher at EMAp/FGV. Has experience in Mathematics, focusing on Complex Analysis and Geometry,

Areas of interest: 

  • Otimização Convexa
  • Otimização Estocástica
  • Sistemas de Partículas em Interação
  • Aplicações em energia, finanças e logística
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