Sobre o Evento
I will describe a project I have been working on for most of the last year: an online book called “How To Prove It with Lean.” The purpose of this project is to see if a computer proof assistant called Lean could be helpful to students who are learning to write mathematical proofs. I will describe the project and demonstrate the use of Lean to write some simple proofs.
Texto informado pelo autor.
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Apoiadores / Parceiros / Patrocinadores
Daniel Velleman
Daniel Velleman: I received a B.A. from Dartmouth College in 1976 and a Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin–Madison in 1980. I taught at the University of Texas for three years before joining the faculty of Amherst College, where I taught from 1983 to 2017. I have written five books: How To Prove It, Which Way Did The Bicycle Go? (with Stan Wagon and Joe Konhauser), Philosophies of Mathematics (with Alexander George), Calculus: A Rigorous First Course, and Bicycle or Unicycle? (with Stan Wagon). I was the editor of the American Mathematical Monthly from 2007 to 2011.
a) Opção presencial *
Praia de Botafogo, 190
5o andar, Auditório 537
b) Opção remota (via Zoom)
ID: 981 5075 6795
Passcode: 546819
Meeting ID: 981 5075 6795
Passcode: 546819
Informações adicionais:
Tel: 55 21 3799-5917